Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post 6 Materials

So I need to tell you story in order to tell you a story.

For a number of years I have been shocked and appalled by the amount of material that is used for and disposed of as packing material. So for years I have been reusing packing materials as useful items around the house. Case in point I am currently using two long boxes that my shelves came in cross two boxes from new egg as a low coffee table that has been working quite well for over 3 months now. So I like using things that normally get thrown away.

So I told you that story, to tell you this story. I want to use what are generally considered disposable items to create my piece. To encourage others to think about their world in a non concrete way, and show that art can not only be low cost, but thrown away every day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post 5 Final Design

So in my final design, I have decided to focus on the translation of analog life to digital data. Something that happens millions of times a day in current American society, but I feel under examined. To my mind there seems to be a fundamental shift in analog to digital technology. Where analog is based upon a constant physical contact to transfer and alter energy. Digital transfer relies on breaking energy into pieces to transfer as its fundamental mood of operation.

I hope to exemplify this fundamental change by having the beginning of the sculpture be human powered and then end visualize the output as digital packets.

Also new idea on powering the sculpture

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Post 4, Scale

This week my biggest concern had been scale. I am unsure how large my space will be, so I am having trouble thinking of materials until I know how large my piece should be.

However I think toothpicks and spray paint is my current plan. However the circular head is a concern.

Also of note, it takes a while to upload large pictures over 3G, ... 15 mins and counting.
So sketches to come!